
Pandas Write CSV File | Mastering in Python Pandas Library

Write csv file means to do some operations for data preprocessing or data cleaning.Data preprocessing is a data mining technique that involves transforming raw data into an understandable format.

How to Write CSV File in Python

Here we will discuss about pentameters of pd.read_csv function 

import pandas as pd
df = pd.read_csv('F:\\Machine Learning\\DataSet\\Fortune_10.csv')
Output >>>
    ID	Name	        Industry	        Inception	Revenue	     Expenses	        Profit	    Growth
0	1	Lamtone	        IT Services	        2009	    $11,757,018	 6,482,465 Dollars	5274553	    30%
1	2	Stripfind	    Financial	        2010	    $12,329,371	 916,455   Dollars	11412916	20%
2	3	Canecorporation	Health	            2012	    $10,597,009	 7,591,189 Dollars	3005820	    7%
3	4	Mattouch	    IT Services	        2013	    $14,026,934	 7,429,377 Dollars	6597557	    26%
4	5	Techdrill	    Health	            2009	    $10,573,990	 7,435,363 Dollars	3138627	    8%
5	6	Techline	    Health	            2006	    $13,898,119	 5,470,303 Dollars	8427816	    23%
6	7	Cityace	        Health	            2010	    $9,254,614	 6,249,498 Dollars	3005116	    6%
7	8	Kayelectro	    Health	            2009	    $9,451,943	 3,878,113 Dollars	5573830	    4%
8	9	Ganzlax	        IT Services	        2011	    $14,001,180	 3,878,153 Dollars	11901180	18%
9	10	Trantraxlax	    Government Services	2011	    $11,088,336	 5,635,276 Dollars	5453060	    7%

To know the type of the dataset use type function

Output >>>   pandas.core.frame.DataFrame

This dataset is dataframe type

To know all the columns name

Output >>>   Index(['ID', 'Name', 'Industry', 'Inception', 'Revenue', 'Expenses', 'Profit',

If you want to read some specific rows of the dataset use nrows parameters

df = pd.read_csv('F:\\Machine Learning\\DataSet\\Fortune_10.csv', nrows = 1)
Output >>>
    ID	Name	Industry	Inception	Revenue	     Expenses	        Profit	 Growth
0	1	Lamtone	IT Services	2009	    $11,757,018	 6,482,465 Dollars	5274553	 30%
df = pd.read_csv('F:\\Machine Learning\\DataSet\\Fortune_10.csv', nrows = 5)
Output >>>
    ID	Name	        Industry	        Inception	Revenue	     Expenses	        Profit	    Growth
0	1	Lamtone	        IT Services	        2009	    $11,757,018	 6,482,465 Dollars	5274553	    30%
1	2	Stripfind	    Financial	        2010	    $12,329,371	 916,455   Dollars	11412916	20%
2	3	Canecorporation	Health	            2012	    $10,597,009	 7,591,189 Dollars	3005820	    7%
3	4	Mattouch	    IT Services	        2013	    $14,026,934	 7,429,377 Dollars	6597557	    26%
4	5	Techdrill	    Health	            2009	    $10,573,990	 7,435,363 Dollars	3138627	    8%
df = pd.read_csv('F:\\Machine Learning\\DataSet\\Fortune_10.csv', usecols = [0])
Output >>>
0	1
1	2
2	3
3	4
4	5
5	6
6	7
7	8
8	9
9	10
df2 = pd.read_csv('F:\\Machine Learning\\DataSet\\Fortune_10.csv', usecols = [0,1])
Output >>>
    ID	Name
0	1	Lamtone
1	2	Stripfind
2	3	Canecorporation
3	4	Mattouch
4	5	Techdrill
5	6	Techline
6	7	Cityace
7	8	Kayelectronics
8	9	Ganzlax
9	10	Trantraxlax
df = pd.read_csv('F:\\Machine Learning\\DataSet\\Fortune_10.csv', usecols = [1,2])
Output >>>
    Name	        Industry
0	Lamtone	        IT Services
1	Stripfind	    Financial Services
2	Canecorporation	Health
3	Mattouch	    IT Services
4	Techdrill	    Health
5	Techline	    Health
6	Cityace	        Health
7	Kayelectronics	Health
8	Ganzlax	        IT Services
9	Trantraxlax	    Government Services
df = pd.read_csv('F:\\Machine Learning\\DataSet\\Fortune_10.csv', usecols = [2,4,7])
Output >>>
    Industry	        Revenue	      Profit
0	IT Services	        $11,757,018	  5274553
1	Financial Services	$12,329,371	  11412916
2	Health	            $10,597,009	  3005820
3	IT Services	        $14,026,934	  6597557
4	Health	            $10,573,990	  3138627
5	Health	            $13,898,119	  8427816
6	Health	            $9,254,614	  3005116
7	Health	            $9,451,943	  5573830
8	IT Services	        $14,001,180	  11901180
9	Government Services	$11,088,336	  5453060
df = pd.read_csv('F:\\Machine Learning\\DataSet\\Fortune_10.csv')
Output >>>
    0   1               2                   3           4            5                  6           7
    ID	Name	        Industry	        Inception	Revenue	     Expenses	        Profit	    Growth
0	1	Lamtone	        IT Services	        2009	    $11,757,018	 6,482,465 Dollars	5274553	    30%
1	2	Stripfind	    Financial	        2010	    $12,329,371	 916,455   Dollars	11412916	20%
2	3	Canecorporation	Health	            2012	    $10,597,009	 7,591,189 Dollars	3005820	    7%
3	4	Mattouch	    IT Services	        2013	    $14,026,934	 7,429,377 Dollars	6597557	    26%
4	5	Techdrill	    Health	            2009	    $10,573,990	 7,435,363 Dollars	3138627	    8%
5	6	Techline	    Health	            2006	    $13,898,119	 5,470,303 Dollars	8427816	    23%
6	7	Cityace	        Health	            2010	    $9,254,614	 6,249,498 Dollars	3005116	    6%
7	8	Kayelectro	    Health	            2009	    $9,451,943	 3,878,113 Dollars	5573830	    4%
8	9	Ganzlax	        IT Services	        2011	    $14,001,180	 3,878,153 Dollars	11901180	18%
9	10	Trantraxlax	    Government Services	2011	    $11,088,336	 5,635,276 Dollars	5453060	    7%
df = pd.read_csv('F:\\Machine Learning\\DataSet\\Fortune_10.csv', skiprows = 1)
Output >>>
    ID	Name	        Industry	        Inception	Employees	Revenue	     Expenses	        Profit	    Growth
0	1	Lamtone	        IT Services	        2009	    55	        $11,757,018	 6,482,465 Dollars	5274553	    30%
1	2	Stripfind	    Financial	        2010	    25	        $12,329,371	 916,455   Dollars	11412916	20%
2	3	Canecorporation	Health	            2012	    6	        $10,597,009	 7,591,189 Dollars	3005820	    7%
3	4	Mattouch	    IT Services	        2013	    6	        $14,026,934	 7,429,377 Dollars	6597557	    26%
4	5	Techdrill	    Health	            2009	    9	        $10,573,990	 7,435,363 Dollars	3138627	    8%
5	6	Techline	    Health	            2006	    65	        $13,898,119	 5,470,303 Dollars	8427816	    23%
6	7	Cityace	        Health	            2010	    25	        $9,254,614	 6,249,498 Dollars	3005116	    6%
7	8	Kayelectro	    Health	            2009	    687	        $9,451,943	 3,878,113 Dollars	5573830	    4%
8	9	Ganzlax	        IT Services	        2011	    75	        $14,001,180	 3,878,153 Dollars	11901180	18%
9	10	Trantraxlax	    Government Services	2011	    35	        $11,088,336	 5,635,276 Dollars	5453060	    7%
df = pd.read_csv('F:\\Machine Learning\\DataSet\\Fortune_10.csv', skiprows = 2)
Output >>>
    1	Lamtone	        IT Services	        2009	$11,757,018	 6,482,465 Dollars	5274553	    30%
0	2	Stripfind	    Financial Services	2010	$12,329,371	 916,455 Dollars	11412916	20%
1	3	Canecorporation	Health	            2012	$10,597,009	 7,591,189 Dollars	3005820	    7%
2	4	Mattouch	    IT Services	        2013	$14,026,934	 7,429,377 Dollars	6597557	    26%
3	5	Techdrill	    Health	            2009	$10,573,990	 7,435,363 Dollars	3138627	    8%
4	6	Techline	    Health	            2006	$13,898,119	 5,470,303 Dollars	8427816	    23%
5	7	Cityace	        Health	            2010	$9,254,614	 6,249,498 Dollars	3005116	    6%
6	8	Kayelectronics	Health	            2009	$9,451,943	 3,878,113 Dollars	5573830	    4%
7	9	Ganzlax	        IT Services	        2011	$14,001,180	 3,878,113 Dollars	11901180	18%
8	10	Trantraxlax	    Government Services	2011	$11,088,336	 5,635,276 Dollars	5453060	    7%
df = pd.read_csv('F:\\Machine Learning\\DataSet\\Fortune_10.csv', skiprows = 0)
Output >>>
    0   1               2                   3           4           5            6                  7           8
0   ID	Name	        Industry	        Inception	Employees	Revenue	     Expenses	        Profit	    Growth
1	1	Lamtone	        IT Services	        2009	    55	        $11,757,018	 6,482,465 Dollars	5274553	    30%
2	2	Stripfind	    Financial	        2010	    25	        $12,329,371	 916,455   Dollars	11412916	20%
3	3	Canecorporation	Health	            2012	    6	        $10,597,009	 7,591,189 Dollars	3005820	    7%
4	4	Mattouch	    IT Services	        2013	    6	        $14,026,934	 7,429,377 Dollars	6597557	    26%
5	5	Techdrill	    Health	            2009	    9	        $10,573,990	 7,435,363 Dollars	3138627	    8%
6	6	Techline	    Health	            2006	    65	        $13,898,119	 5,470,303 Dollars	8427816	    23%
7	7	Cityace	        Health	            2010	    25	        $9,254,614	 6,249,498 Dollars	3005116	    6%
8	8	Kayelectro	    Health	            2009	    687	        $9,451,943	 3,878,113 Dollars	5573830	    4%
9	9	Ganzlax	        IT Services	        2011	    75	        $14,001,180	 3,878,153 Dollars	11901180	18%
10	10	Trantraxlax	    Government Services	2011	    35	        $11,088,336	 5,635,276 Dollars	5453060	    7%
df = pd.read_csv('F:\\Machine Learning\\DataSet\\Fortune_10.csv', skiprows = [0])
 Output >>>
    ID	Name	        Industry	        Inception	Employees	Revenue	     Expenses	        Profit	    Growth
0	1	Lamtone	        IT Services	        2009	    55	        $11,757,018	 6,482,465 Dollars	5274553	    30%
1	2	Stripfind	    Financial	        2010	    25	        $12,329,371	 916,455   Dollars	11412916	20%
2	3	Canecorporation	Health	            2012	    6	        $10,597,009	 7,591,189 Dollars	3005820	    7%
3	4	Mattouch	    IT Services	        2013	    6	        $14,026,934	 7,429,377 Dollars	6597557	    26%
4	5	Techdrill	    Health	            2009	    9	        $10,573,990	 7,435,363 Dollars	3138627	    8%
5	6	Techline	    Health	            2006	    65	        $13,898,119	 5,470,303 Dollars	8427816	    23%
6	7	Cityace	        Health	            2010	    25	        $9,254,614	 6,249,498 Dollars	3005116	    6%
7	8	Kayelectro	    Health	            2009	    687	        $9,451,943	 3,878,113 Dollars	5573830	    4%
8	9	Ganzlax	        IT Services	        2011	    75	        $14,001,180	 3,878,153 Dollars	11901180	18%
9	10	Trantraxlax	    Government Services	2011	    35	        $11,088,336	 5,635,276 Dollars	5453060	    7%
df = pd.read_csv('F:\\Machine Learning\\DataSet\\Fortune_10.csv', skiprows = [1])
Output >>>
    0	1	            2	                3	    4	         5	                6	        7
0	1	Lamtone	        IT Services	        2009	$11,757,018	 6,482,465 Dollars	5274553	    30%
1	2	Stripfind	    Financial Services	2010	$12,329,371	 916,455 Dollars	11412916	20%
2	3	Canecorporation	Health	            2012	$10,597,009	 7,591,189 Dollars	3005820	    7%
3	4	Mattouch	    IT Services	        2013	$14,026,934	 7,429,377 Dollars	6597557	    26%
4	5	Techdrill	    Health	            2009	$10,573,990	 7,435,363 Dollars	3138627	    8%
5	6	Techline	    Health	            2006	$13,898,119	 5,470,303 Dollars	8427816	    23%
6	7	Cityace	        Health	            2010	$9,254,614	 6,249,498 Dollars	3005116	    6%
7	8	Kayelectronics	Health	            2009	$9,451,943	 3,878,113 Dollars	5573830	    4%
8	9	Ganzlax	        IT Services	        2011	$14,001,180	 3,878,113 Dollars	11901180	18%
9	10	Trantraxlax	    Government Services	2011	$11,088,336	 5,635,276 Dollars	5453060	    7%
df = pd.read_csv('F:\\Machine Learning\\DataSet\\Fortune_10.csv', skiprows = [0,2,3])
Output >>>
    ID	Name	        Industry	        Inception	Revenue	    Expenses	        Profit	 Growth
0	3	Canecorporation	Health	            2012	    $10,597,009	7,591,189 Dollars	3005820	 7%
1	4	Mattouch	    IT Services	        2013	    $14,026,934	7,429,377 Dollars	6597557	 26%
2	5	Techdrill	    Health	            2009	    $10,573,990	7,435,363 Dollars	3138627	 8%
3	6	Techline	    Health	            2006	    $13,898,119	5,470,303 Dollars	8427816	 23%
4	7	Cityace	        Health	            2010	    $9,254,614	6,249,498 Dollars	3005116	 6%
5	8	Kayelectronics	Health	            2009	    $9,451,943	3,878,113 Dollars	5573830	 4%
6	9	Ganzlax	        IT Services	        2011	    $14,001,180	3,878,113 Dollars	11901180 18%
7	10	Trantraxlax	    Government Services	2011	    $11,088,336	5,635,276 Dollars	5453060	 7%
df1 = pd.read_csv('F:\\Machine Learning\\DataSet\\Fortune_10.csv')
Output >>>
    ID	Name	        Industry	        Inception	Revenue	     Expenses	        Profit	    Growth
0	1	Lamtone	        IT Services	        2009	    $11,757,018	 6,482,465 Dollars	5274553	    30%
1	2	Stripfind	    Financial	        2010	    $12,329,371	 916,455   Dollars	11412916	20%
2	3	Canecorporation	Health	            2012	    $10,597,009	 7,591,189 Dollars	3005820	    7%
3	4	Mattouch	    IT Services	        2013	    $14,026,934	 7,429,377 Dollars	6597557	    26%
4	5	Techdrill	    Health	            2009	    $10,573,990	 7,435,363 Dollars	3138627	    8%
5	6	Techline	    Health	            2006	    $13,898,119	 5,470,303 Dollars	8427816	    23%
6	7	Cityace	        Health	            2010	    $9,254,614	 6,249,498 Dollars	3005116	    6%
7	8	Kayelectro	    Health	            2009	    $9,451,943	 3,878,113 Dollars	5573830	    4%
8	9	Ganzlax	        IT Services	        2011	    $14,001,180	 3,878,153 Dollars	11901180	18%
9	10	Trantraxlax	    Government Services	2011	    $11,088,336	 5,635,276 Dollars	5453060	    7%
df = pd.read_csv('F:\\Machine Learning\\DataSet\\Fortune_10.csv', index_col = 'ID')
Output >>>
    Name	        Industry	        Inception	Employees	Revenue	     Expenses	        Profit	    Growth

1	Lamtone	        IT Services	        2009	    55	        $11,757,018	 6,482,465 Dollars	5274553	    30%
2	Stripfind	    Financial	        2010	    25	        $12,329,371	 916,455   Dollars	11412916	20%
3	Canecorporation	Health	            2012	    6	        $10,597,009	 7,591,189 Dollars	3005820	    7%
4	Mattouch	    IT Services	        2013	    6	        $14,026,934	 7,429,377 Dollars	6597557	    26%
5	Techdrill	    Health	            2009	    9	        $10,573,990	 7,435,363 Dollars	3138627	    8%
6	Techline	    Health	            2006	    65	        $13,898,119	 5,470,303 Dollars	8427816	    23%
7	Cityace	        Health	            2010	    25	        $9,254,614	 6,249,498 Dollars	3005116	    6%
8	Kayelectro	    Health	            2009	    687	        $9,451,943	 3,878,113 Dollars	5573830	    4%
9	Ganzlax	        IT Services	        2011	    75	        $14,001,180	 3,878,153 Dollars	11901180	18%
10	Trantraxlax	    Government Services	2011	    35	        $11,088,336	 5,635,276 Dollars	5453060	    7%
df = pd.read_csv('F:\\Machine Learning\\DataSet\\Fortune_10.csv', index_col = 0)
Output >>>
    Name	        Industry	        Inception	Employees	Revenue	     Expenses	        Profit	    Growth

1	Lamtone	        IT Services	        2009	    55	        $11,757,018	 6,482,465 Dollars	5274553	    30%
2	Stripfind	    Financial	        2010	    25	        $12,329,371	 916,455   Dollars	11412916	20%
3	Canecorporation	Health	            2012	    6	        $10,597,009	 7,591,189 Dollars	3005820	    7%
4	Mattouch	    IT Services	        2013	    6	        $14,026,934	 7,429,377 Dollars	6597557	    26%
5	Techdrill	    Health	            2009	    9	        $10,573,990	 7,435,363 Dollars	3138627	    8%
6	Techline	    Health	            2006	    65	        $13,898,119	 5,470,303 Dollars	8427816	    23%
7	Cityace	        Health	            2010	    25	        $9,254,614	 6,249,498 Dollars	3005116	    6%
8	Kayelectro	    Health	            2009	    687	        $9,451,943	 3,878,113 Dollars	5573830	    4%
9	Ganzlax	        IT Services	        2011	    75	        $14,001,180	 3,878,153 Dollars	11901180	18%
10	Trantraxlax	    Government Services	2011	    35	        $11,088,336	 5,635,276 Dollars	5453060	    7%
df = pd.read_csv('F:\\Machine Learning\\DataSet\\Fortune_10.csv', index_col = 'Name')
Output >>>
                 ID	 Industry	            Inception	Revenue	     Expenses	Profit	            Growth
Lamtone	         1	 IT Services	        2009	    $11,757,018	 6,482,465 Dollars	5274553	    30%
Stripfind	     2	 Financial Services	    2010	    $12,329,371	 916,455 Dollars	11412916	20%
Canecorporation	 3	 Health	                2012	    $10,597,009	 7,591,189 Dollars	3005820	    7%
Mattouch	     4	 IT Services	        2013	    $14,026,934	 7,429,377 Dollars	6597557	    26%
Techdrill	     5	 Health	                2009	    $10,573,990	 7,435,363 Dollars	3138627	    8%
Techline	     6	 Health	                2006	    $13,898,119	 5,470,303 Dollars	8427816	    23%
Cityace	         7	 Health	                2010	    $9,254,614	 6,249,498 Dollars	3005116	    6%
Kayelectronics	 8	 Health	                2009	    $9,451,943	 3,878,113 Dollars	5573830	    4%
Ganzlax	         9	 IT Services	        2011	    $14,001,180	 3,878,113 Dollars	11901180	18%
Trantraxlax	     10	 Government Services	2011	    $11,088,336	 5,635,276 Dollars	5453060	    7%
df1 = pd.read_csv('F:\\Machine Learning\\DataSet\\Fortune_10.csv', index_col = 2)
Output >>>
                    ID	Name	         Inception	Revenue	     Expenses	        Profit	    Growth
IT Services	        1	Lamtone	         2009	    $11,757,018	 6,482,465 Dollars	5274553	    30%
Financial Services	2	Stripfind	     2010	    $12,329,371	 916,455 Dollars	11412916	20%
Health	            3	Canecorporation	 2012	    $10,597,009	 7,591,189 Dollars	3005820	    7%
IT Services	        4	Mattouch	     2013	    $14,026,934	 7,429,377 Dollars	6597557	    26%
Health	            5	Techdrill	     2009	    $10,573,990	 7,435,363 Dollars	3138627	    8%
Health	            6	Techline	     2006	    $13,898,119	 5,470,303 Dollars	8427816	    23%
Health	            7	Cityace	         2010	    $9,254,614	 6,249,498 Dollars	3005116	    6%
Health	            8	Kayelectronics	 2009	    $9,451,943	 3,878,113 Dollars	5573830	    4%
IT Services	        9	Ganzlax	         2011	    $14,001,180	 3,878,113 Dollars	11901180	18%
Government Services	10	Trantraxlax	     2011	    $11,088,336	 5,635,276 Dollars	5453060	    7%

To Download dataset click here – Fortune_10

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